Best HomeKit Compatible Smart Bulbs

A whole list of kits of lights and smart bulbs compatible with HomeKit so that you can program and manage them with Siri from the Home app of your iPhone or iPad. technologyies

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If you are one of those who already have a smart bulb in your home, you will have found that it is difficult to go back and little by little you will have the need to add more intelligent and compatible units and systems. techiescity

You can have the lights turn on automatically when you get home, or at a certain point, when you are away from it. You can usually control the brightness and even the hues of the colors and lighting.  themarketingpilot

After you get used to smart lights, old switches, and any dimmer switches will feel old. However, there are different types of smart lights. What is clear is that if they are compatible with HomeKit, you will be able to create use routines and synchronize them with other devices. technologywebdesign

In fact, you may need to use different networks, applications, control hubs, and ecosystems to control them. Some lighting solutions are only compatible with Alexa or Google Assistant and the respective applications from the iPhone. technologytimesnow

But if what you really want is to be able to seamlessly integrate the system into your Home application with the possibility of Marketing Automation write for us it through Siri, you should pay attention to the fact that what you buy is compatible with HomeKit.

This makes it easier to start up, as well as to control them from the iPhone or Mac. It also allows them to be integrated into automations that control several devices at the same time according to time, location or the actions of other devices.

In order to act as a Home Hub, you must have an Apple TV, HomePod, or an iPad plugged in in your home to be able to communicate with your home's local network. Here are the top-rated, HomeKit-compatible smart bulbs.

If what you want is to acquire a typical system, we gather in this ranking our list of the best lamps, bulbs and smart lights with which to personalize your home.

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